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发布时间:2023-12-01 10:21:04 阅读:1518 来源:问药网






利特昔替尼(Ritlecitinib)Litfulo 生产厂家:卢修斯制药(老挝)有限公司 功能主治:适用于治疗成人和12岁及以上青少年的重度斑秃 用法用量:  用法用量  使用利特昔替尼(Ritlecitinib)治疗前应注意:  1、结核病 (TB) 感染:不建议活动性 TB 患者开始利特昔替尼(LITFULO)治疗。对于潜伏性 TB 患者或潜伏性 TB 检测阴性且 TB 风险较高的患者,在开始利特昔替尼(LITFULO)治疗前开始潜伏性 TB 的预防性治疗[见警告和注意事项]。  2、根据临床指南进行病毒性肝炎筛查:不建议乙型肝炎或丙型肝炎患者开始利特昔替尼(LITFULO)治疗[见警告和注意事项]。  3、淋巴细胞绝对计数 (ALC) 的患者不应开始利特昔替尼(LITFULO)治疗< 500/mm 3或血小板计数 < 100,000/mm 3[参见警告和注意事项]。  4、根据现行免疫接种指南更新免疫接种[参见警告和注意事项]。  一、推荐剂量  1、利特昔替尼(Ritlecitinib)的推荐剂量为50 mg,口服,每日一次,可与或不与食物同服。  2、整粒吞服胶囊。请勿压碎、掰开或咀嚼胶囊。  3、如果漏服一剂药物,应尽快补服,除非距下次给药时间不足8小时,此时跳过漏服的剂量。此后,按照正常的服药时间恢复给药。  二、重度肝损害患者  不建议重度 (Child Pugh C) 肝损害患者使用利特昔替尼(LITFULO)。


Title: Understanding the Side Effects of Ritlecitinib (Litfulo) and Appropriate Management

Ritlecitinib, commonly known as Litfulo, is a medication primarily used for the treatment of alopecia areata, a condition characterized by hair loss. While Litfulo has shown effectiveness in managing this dermatological condition, like any medication, it comes with potential side effects. It is crucial for individuals undergoing treatment with Litfulo and healthcare professionals to be aware of these side effects and the appropriate measures to address them.

1. Common Side Effects

Litfulo may cause some common side effects that are generally mild and temporary. These include headaches, fatigue, and mild gastrointestinal disturbances. It is important for patients to communicate these symptoms to their healthcare providers to ensure appropriate monitoring and management.

2. Dermatological Reactions

In some cases, Litfulo may lead to dermatological reactions such as skin irritation or redness at the application site. Patients should promptly inform their healthcare providers if they experience any skin-related issues. Dermatological reactions can often be managed by adjusting the dosage, changing the application routine, or recommending topical treatments to alleviate discomfort.

3. Immune System Effects

Litfulo works by modulating the immune system, and as a result, it may have effects on immune function. Some patients may experience changes in immune response, leading to an increased susceptibility to infections. It is essential for individuals on Litfulo to promptly report any signs of infection, such as fever or persistent cough, to their healthcare providers for timely intervention.

4. Laboratory Abnormalities

Regular monitoring of laboratory parameters is crucial for individuals taking Litfulo. The medication may cause alterations in certain blood parameters, such as liver function tests or blood cell counts. Healthcare providers will conduct routine blood tests to monitor for these changes. If abnormalities are detected, appropriate measures, such as adjusting the dosage or discontinuing treatment, may be necessary.

5. Serious Side Effects and Allergic Reactions

While rare, Litfulo may cause more serious side effects, including allergic reactions. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction may include difficulty breathing, swelling of the face or throat, and hives. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if they experience these symptoms. In such cases, healthcare providers may need to discontinue Litfulo and explore alternative treatment options.


Understanding the potential side effects of Litfulo (Ritlecitinib) is crucial for both patients and healthcare professionals involved in the management of alopecia areata. Open communication between patients and healthcare providers is essential to monitor and address any adverse reactions promptly. Regular follow-up appointments and adherence to recommended monitoring protocols will contribute to a safer and more effective treatment experience with Litfulo.