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发布时间:2023-10-09 09:07:32 阅读:1399 来源:问药网






门冬酰胺酶 生产厂家:爱尔兰爵士制药Jazz Pharmaceuticals Plc 功能主治:特异性细胞抑制剂,用于急性淋巴白血病恶性淋巴瘤等 用法用量:用法用量  一般静注或静滴,每次40~200U/kg,每日或隔日1次,根据耐受程度逐渐增至1000U/kg。  静注以20~40m1生理盐水稀释,静滴以5%葡萄糖溶液500ml稀释,10~20次为一程。  肌注:剂量同静注,用5~10ml生理盐水溶解。  当与泼尼松和长春新碱联合应用治疗儿童急性淋性白血病时,可每日静滴1000U/kg,在使用泼尼松和长春新碱后给予,即从治疗后的第22天开始,连续10d。  如先于上述药物给予或同时给予,会增强不良反应。  肌注:在与泼尼松和长春新碱联合用药时,每次6000U/㎡从第4天始每3d给予1次,共9次剂量。
门冬酰胺酶  然而,这并不意味着门冬酰胺酶的价格就是无法负担的。首先,许多国家和地区都有政策来减轻患者的药物费用负担。例如,一些国家会对药物进行审批,以确保其价格的合理性,并通过降低药物价格和增加保险覆盖范围来帮助患者降低费用。此外,一些医药公司也会推出药物减免方案和补助计划,以帮助患者获得门冬酰胺酶等昂贵药物。
  Is Asparaginase Expensive?
  Asparaginase is a drug commonly used in the treatment of malignant tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma. However, the price of asparaginase has always been considered high. So, is asparaginase expensive?
  Firstly, we need to understand that the price of a drug is related to research and development costs, production costs, market demand, and other factors. As for asparaginase, due to its importance in the treatment of malignant tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma, its research and development costs and production costs are relatively high. In addition, the market demand for asparaginase should not be underestimated. The incidence of leukemia and lymphoma and other malignant tumors remains high worldwide, which has led to a high demand for asparaginase and further pushed up its price. Therefore, from this perspective, the price of asparaginase can be considered reasonable.
  However, this does not mean that the price of asparaginase is unaffordable. Firstly, many countries and regions have policies to alleviate the burden of drug costs on patients. For example, some countries may approve drugs to ensure the reasonableness of their prices and help reduce costs by lowering drug prices and increasing insurance coverage. In addition, some pharmaceutical companies also launch drug discount programs and subsidy plans to help patients access expensive drugs such as asparaginase.
  Furthermore, the price of asparaginase varies in different countries and regions. In developing countries, where economic capability is relatively weak, the price of asparaginase is often higher, creating great economic pressure for patients. However, some non-profit organizations and charities are actively involved and provide price discounts or free asparaginase to patients in these regions.
  In conclusion, although the price of asparaginase is relatively high, its importance in the treatment of malignant tumors such as leukemia and lymphoma cannot be ignored. Although the price may be a burden for some patients, governments, pharmaceutical companies, and non-profit organizations are actively seeking solutions to alleviate the financial pressure on patients. Therefore, we should consider the value and cost of asparaginase comprehensively to ensure that patients can access necessary drug treatment and increase attention and assistance to these patients.