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Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets An Effective Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

发布时间:2023-06-14 08:06:25 阅读:156 来源:问药网






卡左双多巴缓释片 生产厂家:印度纳科Natco制药有限公司 功能主治:治疗帕金森的卡左双多巴制剂,患者帕金森评分改善 用法用量:用法用量  本品中卡比多巴与左旋多巴的比例为1:4。  本品每片含50mg卡比多巴和200mg左旋多巴。  本品的日剂量须谨慎调整确定。  调整剂量期间应对患者进行严密监护,尤其要注意恶心或异常的不自主运动包括:运动障碍、舞蹈病和肌张力失常的出现或加重。  本品可整片或半片服用。  此服法可维持药片缓释释放特性,不能咀嚼和碾碎药片。  服用本品时,除左旋多巴外还可继续服用的其它标准抗帕金森氏病药物,但需调整剂量。  因卡比多巴能够防止由吡多辛引起的左旋多巴作用的逆转,因此,本品可用于接受吡多辛补充治疗的患者。  同时,接受补充吡哆醇(维生素B6)治疗的患者可以服用本品。  起始剂量未接受过左旋多巴治疗的患者:本品的推荐起始剂量为每天2次,每次半片。  对需要较多左旋多巴的患者,本品每天1-4半片,分两次服用,一般耐受良好。  本品在适当时亦可作起始治疗使用。  本品的推荐起始剂量为每天2至3次,每次1片。  左旋多巴的起始剂量每天不可高于600mg或服药间隔时间不短于6小时
  Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets: An Effective Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
  Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Its symptoms include tremors, stiffness, and difficulties with coordination and movement. While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, there are effective treatments available to relieve its symptoms.
卡左双多巴缓释片  One such treatment is Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets. This medication combines two active ingredients, carbidopa and levodopa, which work together to increase the level of dopamine in the brain. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible for controlling movement and coordination.
  Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets are unique in that they are slowly released into the body over a period of several hours. This allows for a constant and consistent level of dopamine to be maintained in the brain, thereby reducing the fluctuations in symptoms that are typically associated with Parkinson's disease.
  The effectiveness of Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets has been demonstrated in numerous clinical studies. In one study, patients who took the medication showed significant improvements in their motor symptoms compared to those who received a placebo. In another study, the medication was found to be superior to other treatments in terms of reducing the number of \"off\" periods, or times when the medication is not working effectively.
  Like any medication, Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets can cause side effects. The most common side effects include nausea, dizziness, and headaches. In some cases, the medication may also cause hallucinations or other changes in behavior. It is important for patients to discuss any potential side effects with their healthcare provider before starting this medication.
  In conclusion, Carbidopa and Levodopa CR Tablets are an effective treatment option for people with Parkinson's disease. Their slow-release mechanism allows for consistent dopamine levels in the brain, reducing symptoms and improving patients' quality of life. While there are potential side effects, the benefits of this medication are clear and should be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan for Parkinson's disease.