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发布时间:2024-01-02 15:32:57 阅读:1497 来源:问药网






艾曲波帕 生产厂家:孟加拉碧康制药股份有限公司 功能主治:治疗慢性/持续性免疫性血小板减少症,临床缓解高 用法用量:用法用量  持续性或慢性免疫性血小板减少症  初始剂量方案  1、6岁及以上的ITP成人和儿童患者的艾曲波帕起始剂量为50 mg,每天一次。  但东亚/东南亚人种的患者或有轻度至重度肝功能损害(Child-Pugh A、B、C级)的患者除外。  2、对于东亚/东南亚人种的ITP患者,使用艾曲波帕的初始剂量减少为25 mg,每天一次。  3、对于ITP和轻度、中度或重度肝功能损害(Child-Pugh A级、B级、C级)的患者,使用艾曲波帕的初始剂量减少为25 mg,每天一次。  4、对于东亚/东南亚人种的伴有ITP和肝损伤的患者(Child-PughA、B、C类),初始剂量减少为12.5 mg,每日一次。  5、1-5岁ITP儿童患者:剂量25 mg,每日一次。  之后监测血小板计数,根据血小板计数调整剂量。  慢性丙型肝炎相关性血小板减少症  初始剂量方案  初始治疗时,剂量为25 mg,每日一次。  重度再生障碍型贫血  严重再生障碍性贫血患者一线治疗的初始剂量年龄推荐剂量12岁及以上年龄的患者150mg,每日一次,连续6个月6到11岁的儿童患者75mg,每日一次,连续6个月2到5岁的儿童患者2.5 mg/kg,每日一次,连续6个月  对于东亚/东南亚人种的严重再生障碍性贫血或轻度、中度或重度肝损伤患者(Child-PughA、B、C类),初始原剂量减少50%。  根据血小板计数来调整后续剂量。  难治性严重再生障碍型贫血患者的初始剂量  初始治疗时:剂量50 mg,每日一次。  对于东亚/东南亚人种的严重再生障碍性贫血患者或轻度、中度或重度肝损害患者(Child-PughA、B、C类),应减少剂量为25 mg,每日一次。  根据血小板计数来调整后续剂量。  服用说明  1、在不进餐或进食含钙量低(≤50毫克)的食物时服用艾曲波帕。  在服用其他药物(如抗酸剂)、富含钙的食物(含钙>50毫克,如乳制品、钙强化果汁、某些水果和蔬菜)或含有多价阳离子(如铁、钙、铝、镁、硒和锌)的补充剂之前至少2小时或之后4小时服用艾曲波帕。  2、不要分裂、咀嚼或压碎药片,不要与食物或液体混合。  3、只用水来准备悬浮液,注意:不可用热水来准备悬浮液。


Eltrombopag (trade name Revolade) is a medication used to treat low blood platelet counts, a condition known as thrombocytopenia. This drug works by stimulating the production of platelets in the body. When discussing the drug interactions of Eltrombopag, it's important to note that it can affect the metabolism of other drugs and may be influenced by the presence of certain substances. Here's an overview of its drug interactions and related implications.

1. How Eltrombopag Interacts with Other Medications

Eltrombopag can have interactions with various medications due to its impact on liver enzyme activity. The drug is primarily metabolized by the liver's cytochrome P450 system, particularly the CYP2C8 and CYP3A4 enzymes. Consequently, it has the potential to interfere with the metabolism of other drugs that are also metabolized by these enzymes. When co-administered with drugs that are substrates of CYP2C8 and CYP3A4, Eltrombopag may affect their plasma concentrations, leading to either increased or decreased levels of these medications in the body.

2. Impact of Eltrombopag on Drug Metabolism

Due to its role in modulating liver enzyme activity, Eltrombopag can influence the metabolism of certain medications. In the case of drugs that are metabolized by the same enzymes, co-administration with Eltrombopag may necessitate dosage adjustments or closer monitoring to ensure that therapeutic levels are maintained. Additionally, it's important for healthcare professionals to be aware of the potential for drug interactions when prescribing Eltrombopag alongside other medications.

3. Medications that May Interact with Eltrombopag

Several classes of medications can potentially interact with Eltrombopag. These include anticoagulants, anticonvulsants, statins, immunosuppressants, and certain antibiotics. It's crucial for healthcare providers to review a patient's complete medication list when considering the addition of Eltrombopag to their regimen. This review will help identify potential interactions and determine the appropriate course of action, which may involve adjusting the dosages of affected medications or pursuing alternative treatment options.

4. Management of Drug Interactions with Eltrombopag

To minimize the risk of adverse drug interactions, healthcare providers should conduct a thorough review of a patient's current medications and medical history before prescribing Eltrombopag. Open communication with patients about their medication usage, including over-the-counter drugs and supplements, is essential for identifying potential interactions. Patients should be advised to inform their healthcare provider about all medications they are taking to ensure safe and effective treatment with Eltrombopag.

In conclusion, Eltrombopag can have significant interactions with other medications due to its effects on liver enzyme activity. Healthcare providers must carefully evaluate potential drug interactions and consider dose adjustments or alternative therapies when prescribing Eltrombopag to patients who are taking other medications. By assessing individual patient profiles and maintaining open communication with patients, healthcare providers can effectively manage the risks associated with drug interactions involving Eltrombopag.