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发布时间:2024-02-11 09:51:11 阅读:1245 来源:问药网






安必素 生产厂家:迈兰(Mylan)制药有限公司 功能主治:一线抗真菌药物,治疗深部真菌感染有效率高 用法用量:用法用量  静脉用药:开始静脉滴注时先试以1~5mg或按体重一次0.02~0.1mg/kg给药,以后根据患者耐受情况每日或隔日增加5mg,当增至一次 0.6~0.7mg/kg时即可暂停增加剂量,此为一般治疗量。  成人最高一日剂量不超过1mg/kg,每日或隔1~2日给药1次,累积总量 1.5~3.0g,疗程1~3个月,也可长至6个月,视病情及疾病种类而定。  对敏感真菌感染宜采用较小剂量,即成人一次20~30mg,疗程仍宜长。  鞘内给药:首次0.05~0.1mg,以后渐增至每次0.5mg,最大量一次不超过1mg,每周给药2~3次,总量15mg左右。  鞘内给药时宜与小剂量地塞米松或琥珀酸氢化可的松同时给与,并需用脑脊液反复稀释药液,边稀释边缓慢注入以减少不良反应。  局部用药:气溶吸入时成人每次5~10mg,用灭菌注射用水溶解成0.2%~0.3%溶液应用;超声雾化吸入时本品浓度为0.01%~0.02%,每日吸入2~3次,每次吸入5~10ml;持续膀胱冲洗时每日以两性霉素B 5mg加入1000ml灭菌注射用水中,按每小时注入40ml速度进行冲洗,共用5~10日。  静脉滴注或鞘内给药时,均先以灭菌注射用水10ml配制本品50mg,或5ml配制25mg,然后用5%葡萄糖注射液稀释(不可用氯化钠注射液,因可产生沉淀),滴注液的药物浓度不超过10mg/100ml,避光缓慢静滴,每次滴注时间需6小时以上,稀释用葡萄糖注射液的pH值应在4.2以上。  鞘内注射时可取5mg/ml浓度的药液1ml,加5%葡萄糖注射液19ml稀释,使最终浓度成250μg/ml。  注射时取所需药液量以脑脊液5~30ml反复稀释,并缓慢注入。  鞘内注射液的药物浓度不可高于25mg/100ml,pH值应在4.2以上。


Title: Side Effects and Management of Ambisome (Amphotericin B)


Ambisome (generic name: Amphotericin B) is commonly used to treat fungal infections, particularly those caused by various species of Candida and Aspergillus. While it is an effective medication, it is important to be aware of the potential side effects that can occur during treatment. This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the possible adverse effects associated with Ambisome and offer guidance on how to manage them effectively.

1. Common Side Effects:

Amphotericin B can lead to several common side effects, which may include:

Fever and chills


Nausea and vomiting

Loss of appetite

Muscle and joint pain


These side effects usually subside on their own as the body adjusts to the medication. However, it is important to notify your healthcare provider if they persist or worsen.

2. Serious Side Effects:

In some cases, Ambisome may cause more severe side effects that require immediate medical attention. These serious side effects may include:

Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

Swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat (indicative of an allergic reaction)

Severe abdominal pain or cramping

Dark urine or pale stools

Unusual bleeding or bruising

If you experience any of these symptoms, it is crucial to seek medical assistance promptly.

3. Infusion-Related Reactions:

Ambisome is typically administered through intravenous infusion. Infusion-related reactions such as fever, chills, sweating, headache, and rapid heartbeat may occur during or shortly after the infusion. Healthcare professionals usually take preventive measures by administering medications, such as antipyretics or antihistamines, before each dose to mitigate the likelihood and severity of these reactions. If you experience any infusion-related reactions, alert your healthcare provider immediately.

4. Renal Toxicity:

Amphotericin B can sometimes cause kidney damage. This can manifest as decreased urine output, increased thirst, swelling in the lower legs or feet, and overall fatigue. To minimize the risk of renal toxicity, healthcare providers carefully monitor kidney function during treatment. It is vital to promptly report any signs of kidney problems to your healthcare provider.

Handling Side Effects:

To manage the side effects of Ambisome effectively, consider the following recommendations:

Maintain good hydration by drinking plenty of fluids, unless otherwise advised by your healthcare provider.

Take anti-nausea medication as prescribed to alleviate nausea and vomiting symptoms.

Manage pain and discomfort by using over-the-counter pain relievers, following the recommended dosage.

Rest and get plenty of sleep to aid in your recovery.

Maintain open communication with your healthcare provider and promptly report any concerning symptoms.


Although Ambisome is a potent antifungal medication, it can cause side effects in some individuals. It is crucial to be aware of these potential adverse effects and to promptly notify your healthcare provider if you experience any symptoms. By effectively managing side effects and maintaining good communication with your healthcare team, you can ensure the safe and successful administration of Ambisome during your treatment for fungal infections.