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发布时间:2024-06-04 10:31:40 阅读:1101 来源:问药网






安必素 生产厂家:迈兰(Mylan)制药有限公司 功能主治:一线抗真菌药物,治疗深部真菌感染有效率高 用法用量:用法用量  静脉用药:开始静脉滴注时先试以1~5mg或按体重一次0.02~0.1mg/kg给药,以后根据患者耐受情况每日或隔日增加5mg,当增至一次 0.6~0.7mg/kg时即可暂停增加剂量,此为一般治疗量。  成人最高一日剂量不超过1mg/kg,每日或隔1~2日给药1次,累积总量 1.5~3.0g,疗程1~3个月,也可长至6个月,视病情及疾病种类而定。  对敏感真菌感染宜采用较小剂量,即成人一次20~30mg,疗程仍宜长。  鞘内给药:首次0.05~0.1mg,以后渐增至每次0.5mg,最大量一次不超过1mg,每周给药2~3次,总量15mg左右。  鞘内给药时宜与小剂量地塞米松或琥珀酸氢化可的松同时给与,并需用脑脊液反复稀释药液,边稀释边缓慢注入以减少不良反应。  局部用药:气溶吸入时成人每次5~10mg,用灭菌注射用水溶解成0.2%~0.3%溶液应用;超声雾化吸入时本品浓度为0.01%~0.02%,每日吸入2~3次,每次吸入5~10ml;持续膀胱冲洗时每日以两性霉素B 5mg加入1000ml灭菌注射用水中,按每小时注入40ml速度进行冲洗,共用5~10日。  静脉滴注或鞘内给药时,均先以灭菌注射用水10ml配制本品50mg,或5ml配制25mg,然后用5%葡萄糖注射液稀释(不可用氯化钠注射液,因可产生沉淀),滴注液的药物浓度不超过10mg/100ml,避光缓慢静滴,每次滴注时间需6小时以上,稀释用葡萄糖注射液的pH值应在4.2以上。  鞘内注射时可取5mg/ml浓度的药液1ml,加5%葡萄糖注射液19ml稀释,使最终浓度成250μg/ml。  注射时取所需药液量以脑脊液5~30ml反复稀释,并缓慢注入。  鞘内注射液的药物浓度不可高于25mg/100ml,pH值应在4.2以上。


Ambisome (安必松) is a medication used to treat fungal infections. It belongs to a class of drugs called antifungal agents and is commonly used in pediatric patients. However, like any medication, Ambisome requires careful attention and certain considerations when administered to children. In this article, we will explore the key points to keep in mind when using Ambisome for pediatric patients.

1. Consultation with a Pediatric Physician

When considering the use of Ambisome in pediatric patients, it is crucial to consult with a pediatric physician. They will evaluate the child's condition, assess the appropriate dosage, and ensure that Ambisome is the right choice for treatment. Only a qualified healthcare professional can determine the correct course of action.

2. Dosage Adjustment

The dosage of Ambisome for children may differ from that of adults. It is essential to follow the prescribed dosage instructions provided by the pediatric physician. Dosages are often determined based on factors such as body weight, age, and the severity of the infection. Adhering to the prescribed dosage is vital to ensure effective treatment and minimize the risk of side effects.

3. Administration and Infusion

Ambisome is administered via intravenous infusion. Proper administration techniques are necessary to guarantee accurate delivery and avoid any adverse effects. The healthcare team responsible for administering the medication should have the expertise and experience in handling intravenous infusions in children. Special care should be taken to prevent any complications related to the infusion process.

4. Monitoring and Side Effects

Regular monitoring is crucial during Ambisome treatment in children. Pediatric patients should be closely observed for any adverse reactions or side effects. Some common side effects of Ambisome may include fever, chills, headaches, nausea, and changes in kidney or liver function. Prompt reporting of any concerning symptoms to the healthcare provider is necessary to ensure appropriate action.

5. Potential Drug Interactions

Before starting Ambisome treatment, it is important to inform the healthcare team about any other medications the child is taking. Certain drugs may interact with Ambisome and pose potential risks or affect its effectiveness. It is necessary to disclose all medications, including over-the-counter drugs, herbal supplements, and vitamins, to enable accurate assessment of potential drug interactions.

6. Proper Storage and Handling

Ambisome should be stored according to the manufacturer's instructions and kept out of reach of children. Improper storage or mishandling can compromise the medication's effectiveness. Be sure to store Ambisome at the recommended temperature and follow any specific guidelines provided by the prescribing physician or pharmacist.

Remember, the information provided in this article is for general understanding, and individual cases may have specific considerations. Always consult a pediatric physician or healthcare professional for personalized advice regarding the use of Ambisome in pediatric patients. By following the recommended guidelines and closely monitoring the child's progress, Ambisome can effectively and safely treat fungal infections in the pediatric population.