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Isavuconazonium Sulfate An Overview of the Antifungal Drug

发布时间:2023-06-08 17:08:35 阅读:179 来源:问药网






硫酸艾沙康唑冻干粉注射剂 生产厂家:美国辉瑞公司(Pfizer Inc.) 功能主治:侵袭性霉菌病广谱抗菌药,全因死亡率降低 用法用量:用法用量  剂量  早期靶向治疗(先发制人或诊断驱动的治疗)可能会在特定诊断测试确认疾病之前开始。  然而,一旦获得这些结果,应相应调整抗真菌治疗。  负荷剂量  推荐的负荷剂量是在前48小时内每8小时重新配制和稀释(相当于200mg艾沙康唑)一瓶(总共6次给药)。  维持剂量  推荐的维持剂量是在最后一次负荷剂量后12至24小时开始,每天一次重构和稀释(相当于200mg艾沙康唑)后的一瓶。  治疗持续时间应由临床反应决定。  对于超过6个月的长期治疗,应仔细考虑收益-风险平衡。  改用口服艾沙康唑  CRESEMBA也可作为含有100mg艾沙康唑的硬胶囊提供。  基于高口服生物利用度(98%,参见第5.2节),当有临床指征时,静脉给药和口服给药之间切换是合适的。  老年  老年患者无需调整剂量;然而,老年患者的临床经验有限。  肾功能不全  肾功能不全患者,包括终末期肾病患者无需调整剂量。  肝功能损害  轻度或中度肝功能损害(Child-Pugh A级和B级)患者无需调整剂量。  尚未在严重肝功能损害(Child-Pugh C级)患者中研究艾沙康唑。  除非认为潜在益处大于风险,否则不推荐在这些患者中使用。  儿科人群  尚未确定CRESEMBA在18岁以下儿童中的安全性和有效性。  没有可用数据。  给药方法  静脉使用。  处理或使用药物前的预防措施  CRESEMBA必须重新配制,然后进一步稀释至对应于约0.8mg/mL 艾沙康唑的浓度,通过静脉输注给药前至少1小时以降低输注相关反应的风险。  输液必须通过带有在线过滤器的输液器进行给药,该过滤器带有由聚醚砜(PES)制成的微孔膜,孔径为0.2μm至1.2μm。  CRESEMBA必须仅作为静脉输注给予。  关于给药前CRESEMBA的重构和稀释的详细说明
  Isavuconazonium Sulfate: An Overview of the Antifungal Drug
  Isavuconazonium Sulfate, also known as Isavuconazole, is a broad-spectrum antifungal drug used in the treatment of invasive fungal infections. It belongs to the triazole class of drugs and is available in the form of a sulfated prodrug. It is approved by the FDA for the treatment of invasive aspergillosis and invasive mucormycosis.
硫酸艾沙康唑冻干粉注射剂  Isavuconazonium Sulfate is a prodrug that converts to the active form Isavuconazole after administration. The drug works by inhibiting the synthesis of ergosterol, an essential component of fungal cell membranes, ultimately leading to cell death.
  The drug is administered intravenously and is available as a lyophilized powder for reconstitution in water for injection. The recommended dosage is 372 mg of Isavuconazonium Sulfate administered as an intravenous infusion every 8 hours for the first two days, followed by 372 mg once daily.
  The most common adverse reactions reported with the use of Isavuconazonium Sulfate include nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, and elevated liver enzymes. Rare but serious adverse reactions may include severe allergic reactions and hepatotoxicity. It is important to monitor patients regularly for adverse reactions while using this drug.
  Isavuconazonium Sulfate is metabolized by the liver, and its dosage may need to be adjusted in patients with hepatic impairment. It has not been studied in pregnant or breastfeeding women; hence the use of this drug in such patients should be carefully considered.
  Overall, Isavuconazonium Sulfate is an effective antifungal drug for the treatment of invasive aspergillosis and invasive mucormycosis. Its broad-spectrum activity makes it a promising drug for the management of a wide range of invasive fungal infections. However, it is important to use this drug judiciously, given the risk of adverse reactions associated with its use.