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Inbrija A Promising Treatment for Parkinson's Disease

发布时间:2023-06-09 16:07:04 阅读:126 来源:问药网






左旋多巴吸入粉 生产厂家:爱尔兰Acorda Therapeutics 功能主治:治疗的帕金森病患者关闭期(OFF)的间歇性治疗 用法用量:用法用量  推荐剂量:每次2粒胶囊,每日最多5次,每日使用剂量不得超过10粒;  不建议处于关闭期(OFF)的患者每日使用超过2粒,否则有可能导致药物相关不良反应增加。  步骤一:保持手部干净干燥,准备吸入器和一板胶囊放在同样清洁干燥的桌面上。  每板有4粒胶囊,撕下其中两粒。  步骤二:取下吸入器的蓝色瓶盖,放在一边。  步骤三:拧下白色口部,把口部和吸入器放置于桌面。  步骤四:先撕开其中1粒胶囊的铝箔包装,将胶囊取出。  若发现胶囊被压碎或者出现潮湿、损坏等现象,不得使用,须更换。  步骤五:用手握住手柄,使吸入器保持直立,然后将1粒胶囊放入胶囊腔中,注意不要同时装入2粒胶囊。  步骤六:(1)将手柄和口部的箭头对齐(2)稍稍用力将口部和手柄对推,直到听到咔哒一声,此时胶囊将被刺破。  注意不要反复推,否则有可能会损坏胶囊,导致吸入器无法正常使用或剂量不足,如果发生这种情况,请返回步骤四重新开始。  (3)对推后松开手,蓝色手柄和白色口部会稍微弹开,但仍保持连接。  此时吸入器已经完成安装,可开始使用,在进行步骤七之前,请确保接口部连接牢固,不会脱落。  步骤七:头和胸部保持直立,可以站立或端坐。  手持吸入器,保持水平,远离嘴巴。  深呼气,但不要对着吸入器呼气。  步骤八:保持吸入器水平,用嘴含住白色口部。  深吸一口气,直至感觉肺部被充满,这大概需要几秒钟。  当吸气时,会听到并感觉到胶囊在  重要提示:如果在吸气时没有听到或感觉到胶囊  步骤九:将吸入器从口中取出,屏住呼吸5秒钟,然后呼气。  步骤十:(1)将吸入器口部拧开并拔下来(2)取出用过的胶囊  步骤十一:每次使用剂量应为两粒,重复步骤四到步骤十,完成第2粒胶囊的使用。  需要注意的是,应在第1粒胶囊吸入十分钟内吸入第2粒胶囊。  步骤十二:按照所在地区废弃品处置要求处理用完的胶囊。  步骤十三:有粉末残留在吸入器内或表面是正常的,为了避免粉末堆积,需及时用新的干棉签清洁吸入孔上的粉末:(1)清洁吸入器口部两端的孔(2)必要时,也可用干纸巾擦拭嘴唇接触的部位。  不要清洁吸入器的任何其他部位,也不要冲洗口部或弄湿吸入器。  步骤十四:(1)在将吸入器放起来之前,确保里面没有胶囊;(2)将口部和手柄对推,直到听到“咔哒”声;(3)将蓝色盖子盖在口部上;(4)完成以上步骤后,需将吸入器保存起来。
  Inbrija: A Promising Treatment for Parkinson's Disease
  Parkinson's disease is a neurodegenerative disorder that causes tremors, stiffness, and difficulties with movement. One of the main challenges of treating Parkinson's disease is the fact that many medications become less effective over time, leading to \"off\" periods when symptoms return. One potential solution to this problem is Inbrija, a new medication that delivers levodopa (also known as L-dopa) directly to the lungs.
左旋多巴吸入粉  Levodopa is a common medication used to treat Parkinson's disease. It works by increasing the levels of dopamine in the brain, which helps to improve symptoms such as tremors and stiffness. However, levodopa has several limitations. For example, it can take a long time to reach the brain when taken orally, and it can cause side effects such as nausea and vomiting.
  Inbrija is a different way of delivering levodopa. It comes in the form of a dry powder that is inhaled through a small handheld device, similar to an asthma inhaler. When Inbrija is inhaled, it goes straight to the lungs, where it is absorbed into the bloodstream and then travels to the brain. This means that Inbrija works more quickly than levodopa taken orally, and it may also cause fewer side effects.
  Studies have shown that Inbrija can be effective at reducing the symptoms of Parkinson's disease. In one clinical trial, patients who used Inbrija had significant improvements in their motor symptoms compared to those who used a placebo. In another study, patients who used Inbrija had fewer \"off\" periods and more \"on\" periods, meaning they spent more time with reduced symptoms.
  Another advantage of Inbrija is that it can be used \"as needed,\" rather than on a fixed schedule. This means that patients can use Inbrija when they feel their symptoms are starting to return, rather than having to stick to a rigid medication schedule. This flexibility may be particularly helpful for patients who experience unpredictable \"off\" periods throughout the day.
  However, there are also some potential drawbacks to Inbrija. For example, it is only approved for use in patients who are already taking carbidopa-levodopa, another common medication for Parkinson's disease. This means that patients cannot use Inbrija as a standalone treatment. In addition, not all patients may be able to tolerate inhaling a dry powder, particularly those with respiratory problems.
  In conclusion, Inbrija is a promising new treatment option for Parkinson's disease. Its unique delivery mechanism and flexibility have the potential to improve the lives of patients with this debilitating condition. However, it is important to work closely with a doctor to determine whether Inbrija is right for each individual patient.