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发布时间:2023-10-10 09:32:17 阅读:1053 来源:问药网






依那西普 生产厂家:美国惠氏(Wyeth)公司 功能主治:全球新型全人源TNF拮抗剂,适用于类风湿性关节炎等。 用法用量:用法用量  本品不同剂型、不同规格的用法用量可能存在差异,请阅读具体药物说明书使用,或遵医嘱。  依那西普注射液:  1、本品需在有诊断和治疗类风湿关节炎和强直性脊柱炎经验的专科医生的指导下使用。  2、尚未进行药物相容性研究,禁止将依那西普与其他药物混合使用。  3、本品的制备和使用方法请参见说明书的“依那西普注射液的使用说明”部分。  4、成人(18-64岁):  (1)类风湿关节炎:推荐剂量为25mg每周二次(间隔72-96小时)或50mg每周一次,已证实50mg每周一次的给药方案是安全有效的。  (2)强直性脊柱炎:推荐剂量为25mg每周二次(间隔72-96小时)或50mg每周一次。  5、老年患者(≥65岁):无需进行剂量调整。  用法用量与18-64岁的成人相同。  6、肝肾功能损害的患者:无需进行剂量调整。  7、注射部位:  (1)本品的注射部位为大腿、腹部和上臂,注射方式为皮下注射。  每次在不同部位注射,与前次注射部位至少相距3cm。  禁止注射于皮肤柔嫩、瘀伤、发红或发硬部位。  注射部位的选择和注射方法的详细信息请参见“依那西普注射液的使用说明”。  (2)注射前,一次性的预填充注射液需先达到室温(大约15-30分钟)。  在达到室温的过程中针头的保护盖不应移除,溶液澄清、无色或淡黄色溶液,或包含小的透明或白色的蛋白粒。  注射用依那西普:  本品需在有诊断和治疗类风湿关节炎和强直性脊柱炎经验的专科医生的指导下使用。  尚未进行药物相容性研究,禁止将依那西普与其他药物混合使用。  本品的制备和使用方法请参见说明书的“注射用依那西普的使用说明”部分。  1、成人(18-64岁):  (1)类风湿关节炎:推荐剂量为25mg每周二次(间隔72-96小时)或50mg每周一次,已证实50mg每周一次的给药方案是安全有效的(参见药理毒理部分)。  (2)强直性脊柱炎推荐剂量为25mg每周二次(间隔72-96小时)或50mg每周一次。  2、老年患者(≥65岁):无需进行剂量调整。  用法用量与18-64岁的成人相同。  3、肝肾功能损害的患者:无需进行剂量调整。  4、注射部位:本品的注射部位为大腿、腹部和上臂,注射方式为皮下注射。  每次在不同部位注射,与前次注射部位至少相距3cm。  禁止注射于皮肤柔嫩、瘀伤、发红或发硬部位。  注射部位的选择和注射方法的详细信息请参见“注射用依那西普的使用说明”。  5、处置:将1ml的注射用水缓慢无菌地注射入瓶中,复溶依那西普冻干粉末。  温和地旋转以避免过多的泡沫。  一些泡沫的产生是正常得。  避免摇动或剧烈地搅动。  复溶所需时间通常小于10分钟。  依那西普复溶前必须冷藏在2℃-8℃,不得冷冻。  在使用前依那西普冻干粉需用1ml的溶剂复溶。  本品溶解后应立即使用。  如果不立即使用,应将西林瓶中溶解后的依那西普注射液贮存于2℃–8℃冰箱内,最长可保存6小时。  如未能在6小时内使用,应将溶液丢弃。  在注射前,应使冷藏的溶液达到室温。  溶剂的预填充注射器橡皮塞中含有橡胶(干燥天然橡胶)。  在接触或使用依那西普之前,患者或护理人员应联系医生询问如何处置已知或可能对橡胶产生的过敏反应(变态反应)。
  Etanercept, also known by its trade name Enbrel, is a groundbreaking medication that has revolutionized the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS). As a novel fully human TNF antagonist, Etanercept has proven to be a highly effective therapy for individuals suffering from these debilitating conditions. This article will discuss the efficacy and benefits of Etanercept in managing RA and AS.
依那西普  Body:
  1. Etanercept's Mechanism of Action:
  Etanercept belongs to a class of medications known as TNF (tumor necrosis factor) inhibitors. It works by binding to TNF molecules, preventing them from activating TNF receptors, which are responsible for inducing inflammatory responses. By inhibiting TNF, Etanercept helps reduce joint inflammation, pain, and stiffness associated with RA and AS.
  2. Efficacy in Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA):
  RA is a chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by joint inflammation and destruction. Etanercept has proven to be highly successful in reducing disease activity and joint damage associated with RA. Clinical trials have demonstrated that Etanercept improves symptoms, increases joint function, and slows disease progression in RA patients. Furthermore, using Etanercept in combination with other disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) has resulted in even better outcomes.
  3. Efficacy in Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS):
  AS is a chronic inflammatory disease primarily affecting the spine, causing pain, stiffness, and restricted movement. Etanercept has shown significant efficacy in managing AS by reducing inflammation, controlling pain, and improving spinal flexibility. Several studies and real-world data have supported the use of Etanercept as a first-line treatment for AS, leading to improved mobility and overall quality of life in patients.
  4. Safety and Side Effects:
  Like all medications, Etanercept does have potential side effects, but they are generally well tolerated and manageable. Common side effects include injection site reactions, upper respiratory tract infections, and headaches. Serious side effects such as infections and allergic reactions are rare but can occur. Regular monitoring by healthcare professionals helps mitigate risks and ensure patient safety.
  5. Considerations for Treatment:
  Before considering Etanercept, it is crucial to consult with a rheumatologist or healthcare professional to determine the proper dosage and treatment plan. They will assess the severity of the condition, overall health, and any existing comorbidities to determine the most suitable course of action.
  Etanercept (Enbrel) has transformed the lives of individuals suffering from rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. As a novel fully human TNF antagonist, it efficiently targets inflammation and improves joint function, reducing the burden of these chronic diseases. Combined with appropriate monitoring and healthcare supervision, Etanercept offers hope and improved quality of life for those affected by RA and AS.
美国惠氏公司是生产制药和保健品公司,全球500强企业之一,也是全球最大的以研发为基础的制药和保健品公司之一。惠氏在研究、开发、制造和销售药品、疫苗、生物制品、营养品和非处方药品等方面处于全球领先地位。惠氏的产品改善了全球各地人们的生活质量。惠氏的主要业务部门有惠氏药物部、惠氏健康药物部和Fort Dodge动物保健品部

